Talia Mason
Talia holds a BA in Dance and French/Francophone Studies from Bates College. She grew up dancing at the Liz Lerman Dance Exchange and at the Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company. Talia's work has been presented at the Philadelphia Fringe Festival, Movement Research's Open Performance and at Fringearts' Scratch Night. She has performed in work choreographed by Belle Alvarez, Rachel Boggia, Sean Dorsey, Lily Kind, Tiffany Rhynard, and Mira Treatman. Talia is a Feldenkrais, Reiki, and Yoga practitioner. When she is not in the dance or yoga studio, she can be found teaching Movement to Pre-school through Kindergarteners at Greene Towne Montessori School, and doing freelance graphic design for Headlong and Philly-based artists.
taliamason.com @T.mason.dance