Zornitsa Stoyanova
is a performance artist, curator, lighting designer, photographer, filmmaker, teacher, writer for thinkingdance.net and mom of two little boys. A native of Bulgaria, she creates, produces and presents performing art and video under the name Here[begin] Dance. Presently, she works as Programs and Finance Coordinator at Mascher Space Co-op.
She questions the ideas of the constructed structures of performance and pushes the boundaries of social propriety. Mylar reflective material and custom lighting are integral parts of her most recent work, which focuses on abstracting the female body, feminist ideas and imagery.
She is an advocate for parenting artists and is getting better at juggling travel, rehearsals and art-making with nursing, washing, playing, walking, cooking and not sleeping. She keeps sane by listening to sci-fi books from female writers. Any recommendations on that front are always deeply appreciated.